
I thoroughly enjoy working on these smaller projects, as a tech demo, a MVP or just to play around with a new technology. Here are a few examples:

AI Image Generation

AI Image Generation

The future is here. Testing the possibilities of AI image generation with Dall-E and stable diffusion.

  • Dall-E
  • stable diffusion
  • AI

Moonshire NFT platform

Moonshire NFT platform

Moonshire is a web3 platform, a decentralised service for content creators running on the Blockchain.

  • Solidity
  • ether.js
  • hardhat
  • NFTs

Annapurna Trek Map

Annapurna Trek Map

Website built with Mapbox, trying to display some impressions from the longest trek I've done so far.

  • Mapbox
  • Geolocation
  • Clustering

ThreeJS Game

ThreeJS Game

Stack game with Three.js and Cannon.js. Venturing into WebGL and game physics.

  • ThreeJS
  • WebGL
  • Game Physics

JavaScript Playground

JavaScript Playground

A playground for algorithmic fun with JavaScript. And a tool for sharing code solutions for interviews.

  • Algorithms
  • React
  • Code interviews

CZMStem Clinic

CZMStem Clinic

App for a stem cell clinic with user management, payments and health data visualisation.

  • Plaid API
  • ThreeJS
  • NextJS



A taxonomy app for the island of Cozumel in Mexico to raise awareness for endangered endemic species.

  • useSWR
  • iNaturalist API
  • Filtering

Crypto Dashboard

Crypto Dashboard

A dApp using the Coinbase API to retrieve data using their Websocket API for realtime price data.

  • Websockets
  • CoinbaseAPI
  • chart.js

Video Recording

Video Recording

Building my own video recording app using MediaCapture and the Streams API.

  • MediaCapture
  • HTML5
  • Streams API



A fresh approach to customer care. App for restaurants to rate customers for more transparency.

  • framer-motion
  • Mapbox
  • Microservices

Rick&Morty API

Rick&Morty API

Using react-query and the open Rick&Morty API to test clearer data flow without useEffect().

  • react-query
  • Pagination
  • Search

Dog's Paradise App

Dog's Paradise App

Web app for a dogs daycare Spa with admin dashboard, user management and social elements.

  • Supabase
  • SPA
  • Multilingual

Headless E-Commerce

Headless E-Commerce

Trying out Next.js Commerce as modern headless shop solution hosted on Vercel.

  • E-Commerce
  • SEO
  • JAM Stack

Sucré Salé Bakery

Sucré Salé Bakery

Just a simple yet beautiful and performant website, built as PWA and seeing quite some traffic.

  • i18n
  • QR Codes
  • Admin Dashboard